Ocean Time Registration

Already have an account? Please Sign In.

Message from the Ocean Time Condominiums admins:

Welcome to Ocean Time Condominiums!

To request Membership:

Fill out all required information.

        You choose your own Username and Password.

An email will be sent to you to from Neighborhood Link to verify your email address. In the email that is sent to you there is a link toward the bottom of the email, click that link.

This will bring you to the Ocean Time website sign in page.

Sign in with your self-created username and password.

At that point Paradise Properties will receive an email to verify the owners’ information and email address. This is when it is important that Paradise Properties has all of your updated information, including email addresses. 

All fields are required. Your name, email address, and username will be sent to the Ocean Time admins.
As you would like to be publicly identified on your website and in discussion forums.
Minimum 8 characters.
Ocean City, Maryland 21842